I've moved to http://phalkunz.com. You'll be redirect to my new blog soon.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I've Moved

Hi guys, this is maybe the last post of mine on blogger. I've moved to wordpress with a new domain, http://phalkunz.com. See you all there!
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I'm back

Sorry for the disappearance. I've been busy for the last few weeks. It's not that I couldn't come online- I was just not in the mood for writing in my blog until some friends pushed me to come back again (it's all good). Well, what's new you ask? There are just a few things. First one is I've been busy. Why do I keep telling everyone that I've been busy? Hmm.. oh yeah because I just have been! The second thing is there was a rumor saying my dad passed away of heart attack. Who made this up and for what reason? I don't know but that was so ridiculous! Thirdly, one of my tooth went bad so I had to go to a dentist and the dentist ended up performing a root canal that cost me almost a grand. Gosh, I could have saved that money for a new laptop. Second last, I have been so attracted to the new iMac. I'm so in love with it. I think I'm gonna get one when I can afford it even though I wanna switch to Linux, to be specific, Ubuntu. Lastly, I'm gonna move to a new home. Don't get it wrong ok I don't mean a physical one. Actually, I'm just gonna to move to wordpress so hope i can get my wordpress up and running soon.

Alrighty, that's about it for now. Thanks for continuing to check my blog :)
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Friday, July 20, 2007

Creativity Quote

Creativity and ideas don't come on command, they seem to spring up when we least expect it.
by Mattias seen on ALA (A List Apart)
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