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Thursday, May 24, 2007

I'm The Biggest Procrastinator But ...

I'm addressing my procrastination and trying to manage it. I've been quite productive in terms of my thesis in the last few days. I knew I needed some help on doing this and found an article on how to stop procrastinating. If you realize that you always leave your important work that needs to get done behind and do other things instead, that article is for you.


Eric said...

Hello. I just happened to run into your October 2006 post "Disable Annoying Firefox Tooltips." At the end, you said that it wasn't possible to selectively disable tooltips. This may be true, using the built-in config stuff, but it's more than possible in XUL/Javascript.

I wrote a VERY simple extension that selectively disables the throbber, go button, and favicon tooltips.


Feel free to use it if you'd like.

p+k said...

yeah I meant i couldn't do it using about:config.

Well done eric. Thanks for the extension. Cheerz.

Eric said...

Thanks. Hope it's helpful.