I've moved to http://phalkunz.com. You'll be redirect to my new blog soon.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Expand / Collapse

 I am supposed to be reading an article on GIS for my research but I was spending my time writing a javascript function to expand and collapse blogroll in the sidebar in my blog instead. Have a look at the blogrolls! Click one of the blogroll titles (e.g. [+] Friendz Weblogs) to expand the list and click again to collapse it.


Kenno said...

It's good. Can I use it in my blog too? ;)

p+k said...

Yes, sure. you can view the source and find toggle function. And u can make it better too, like animate it.

Kenno said...

Thanks. I won't have time to enhance it. As the matter of fact, I don't even have time to clean up the CSS tags of my blog.