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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Frustration *$#@)#

I almost broke my pc into pieces. I just sumbitted my assignment. My deadline was 23:00 today and the time my assignment was submitted was 22:56:33. I could have fnished it earlier than that. As the time went close the deadline, my pc kept freezing from time to time. Every a few lines of code (program) i edited, my pc froze and I couldn't do anything at all beside looking at the time at the corner of my computer screen and waiting for it to come to state where i could use it again. I think it's because of the software i used for writting the program kept updating the internal state as I changed the code and at the same time my antivius progrom kept asking to scan files made my pc real slow. I was like I was gonna crush my pc if it still froze like that. Actually, it wasn't like that before, it was doing its jobs smoothly in the day. You know how it feels like when you almost finish your work and at the same time you're getting to the deadline as well, frustrated, right? Yeah, I was so damned frustrated even more because of the thing I've just told you. Plus, by the time I almost got everything done, a few msn messages poped up and my pc got back to it "stone" state. I said to myself "oh omg, I'm not gonna make it." As it got back to normal, I open the firefox, accessed webdrop box (for dropping assignments), and then I had the wait impatiently for 2 or 3 minutes for the assignment file to get uploaded to the computer server. *sigh* Finally, submission was done and it said submission time was 22:56:33 and blah blah blah. I felt relaxed but still mad at the things that delayed me.


Random Blogger said...

oh haha jus in time! Well done!! I used to experience once like that ahah.. I no how it feels.

p+k said...

មិនដែលគិតថាកែ្មងឆ្លាតដូចជា​​​​​​kaly ថ្លាប់ជួប​problem ដូច​ខ្មុំដែរ​​​​​ hehe

Random Blogger said...


p+k said...
